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A Tale of Two Foxes

I had known foxes that live in the wild since 2017 but in 2020 I formed a relationship with a pair that accepted me as one of their own and as time passed our bond grew stronger and stronger. I photographed, filmed and wrote about them at close quarters. My relationship with them was so privileged that they were not concerned about my presence whereas if they ever spotted anyone else she would always run and he would either run or hide behind me.

The obvious next stage for me was to paint them.

Vixen at the back, Dog Fox in front
Vixen on the left, Dog Fox on the right
Dog Fox at the back, vixen in front

The Vixen was friendly but never came closer than a few feet but this wasn’t the case with the Dog Fox – he would greet me by licking my hand and then sit next to me!

Dog Fox
Dog Fox
Dog Fox

We would go on adventures together. My favourite was a walk to the cliffs by the sea. They would leap through the mesh fence onto the clifftop and then wait for me to do the same but they soon realised that I wasn’t as nimble as they were.

Dog Fox
Dog Fox at 6 months old
Dog Fox
Vixen on the left Dog Fox on the right
Dog Fox
Dog Fox

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